February 24

Summit County and Copley Ohio Roofing Permit Requirements


Embarking on a roofing project in Copley, Ohio, necessitates a thorough understanding of local permit requirements to ensure compliance with building codes and regulations. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the necessary steps and considerations for obtaining roofing permits in Copley and the broader Summit County area.

Understanding the Importance of Roofing Permits

Securing a roofing permit is a critical component of any roofing project. Permits ensure that the planned work adheres to local building codes, which are designed to uphold safety standards and maintain structural integrity.

Failure to obtain the appropriate permits can lead to legal complications, fines, or issues with property insurance.

Permit Requirements in Summit County

In Summit County, the Division of Building Standards oversees the permitting process for both residential and commercial construction projects. This division is responsible for plan reviews and inspections to confirm compliance with Ohio’s building codes.

Summit County, Ohio - Division of Building Standards
Summit County, Ohio – Division of Building Standards

For roofing projects, obtaining a building permit is typically mandatory. The Summit County Building Standards office is located at 1030 East Tallmadge Ave., Akron, OH 44310, and can be reached at (330) 630-7280.

Specifics for Copley Township

Copley Township, situated within Summit County, has its own set of regulations and fee schedules for building projects. The township requires zoning certificates for various types of construction, including roofing projects.

The fee for a residential zoning certificate for new construction is calculated at $0.10 per square foot, with a minimum fee of $100.00. For accessory uses such as sheds, detached garages, gazebos, pools, and additions, the fee is also $0.10 per square foot, with a minimum of $50.00.

Steps to Obtain a Roofing Permit

  1. Application Submission: Begin by completing the Building Permit Application, which can be found on their website.
  2. Plan Preparation: Prepare detailed construction plans that outline the scope of the roofing project. These plans should include site plans, roof plans, and any relevant structural details.
  3. Zoning Approval: If applicable (e.g., changing the roof pitch), submit the plans to the Copley Township Zoning Department to obtain a zoning certificate. This step ensures that the project complies with local zoning regulations.
  4. Building Standards Review: After securing zoning approval, submit the application and plans to the Summit County Division of Building Standards for review. This review process ensures compliance with the Ohio Building Code.
  5. Permit Issuance: Upon approval, the building permit will be issued, allowing the roofing project to commence.

Additional Considerations

man in pink dress shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses using Macbook air while checking papers
Image credit: Tima Miroshnichenko via Pexels

Contractor Registration

Ensure that any contractors involved are registered with Summit County. As of March 2024, Summit County has revised its building code to increase safety and reduce costs. Notably, the county has eliminated the $135 annual fee for contractor registration and the requirement for a $10,000 bond.

Instead, a permit-based process has been implemented, with a $10 increase in commercial application fees. Contractors are still required to provide liability insurance, state licenses if applicable, and a Tax ID Number.


Schedule necessary inspections during and after the roofing project to ensure ongoing compliance with building codes.


Be prepared to pay associated fees, which may include processing fees, square footage fees, and certificate of occupancy fees.

For example, the total permit fee for a roof replacement in Ohio can amount to $355.50, which includes a $275.00 processing fee, a $10.50 fixed square footage fee for a basic 100 square feet, a $65.00 certificate of use and occupancy fee, and a $5.00 Ohio Board of Building Standard fee per scope of work.

Ensuring Compliance for a Smooth Roofing Project

Understanding and following the roofing permit requirements in Summit County and Copley Township is essential for a hassle-free project. Proper compliance not only helps avoid fines and legal complications but also ensures the structural integrity and safety of the building.


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